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I hope that what I post here and what you read may in some way encourage, challenge, inspire, or simply interest you... The Week 1 - 21 posts are a series dedicated to EXCEL School of Performing Arts Tour 2015. It's impossible to capture the whole experience, but here I choose to share at least one thing I learnt in each week of XLTT15.

Tour Team 2015

So my last post talked about Graduation and the awesome time that was. Well, if you know anything about EXCEL, you'll know that one of the things that sets this school apart is that it offers a unique second year experience in which 21 first year graduates get chosen to put together a number of programmes and tour around New Zealand performing in schools, theatres, and churches for 20 weeks of the year. 

You know coming into EXCEL that you have the chance to make that team, but that you're one of up to 100 people who want a place. This year was a small intake and there was only 70 students in our year and about 50 who put their name forward to be considered for tour team 2015. I was one of those 50. At the start of the year, I remember looking at the tour team and thinking, "That could be me next year..." It was a crazy thought. A scary one. But one that often played around in my mind. I got given the advice from numerous different people to not get caught up on thinking about tour or who might make the team or not. Rather, I was encouraged to just enjoy this year, and make the most out of it - learning all that I could and not taking the experience for granted. I liked that advice, so I did what I could to follow it. But of course, the dream of going on tour still stood firmly in my heart. 

The real mission of the tour is not performance. Although you obviously gain much experience in your art field. But the real depth of it, is drawing people to God. Shining His light into the lives of others. Inspiring and encouraging people, and of course growing as a person yourself. This is something I sooooo want to do. To just speak truth and love into people's lives. I saw the EXCEL tour as an amazing opportunity to do that. So my whole year, I really tried to do my best, to give my all, so that I would have the best chance possible to be considered for the team. 
I worked my butt off in drama class. It was hard a lot of the time, and so many times I questioned what I had gotten myself into, but I didn't quit. I got up early so I could be on time to morning lectures. I took notes so that I could produce the best assignments I could. I was obviously already a Christian before attending EXCEL, but I found a new passion for wanting to grow closer to God and so I invested myself into going to the prayer meetings, listening to guest speakers, being open and free when worshipping and just listening to what God wanted to teach me. All these things I did for my own good and to gain what I could from this year at EXCEL, but always in the back of my mind and the forefront of my heart was a desire to make tour team 2015.

The day finally came. Thursday the 16th October. Graduation was amazing and we were all on a buzz from the love and sense of achievement. Now it was time for the new team to be announced. We all sat around together in the school auditorium, nervously waiting for our principal to begin reading out the names...


As soon as my name had been read out, I burst out crying. My head fell into my hands and I just had a huge sweep of emotions hit me! It was exactly what I was hoping for, and yet when it became true it was so surreal! 

Once the whole team had been announced - four drama majors, four musicians, three guy dancers, four girl dancers, three guy vocalists, and three girl vocalists - we all stood up on the stage opposite the tour team of 2014. They shared a few words of encouragement and then they passed over the baton. The end of their season and the start of a new one for us. It was a powerful and beautiful moment. Following that was a whole heap of hugs and crying and excitement and joy and support, both for those who had made tour team, and for those who hadn't. Which brings me to that point. Being chosen for this team is such a privilege and I was so happy. And yet at the same time, there's many who don't get to go on tour. Many who are super talented and fabulous people, and yet only 21 can be selected. I found myself in a painful situation when I realised that I was the only drama major from 2014 who had made it on. None of my closest friends from this year were going to be on that team with me. My heart hurt for them. I was disappointed. The only true comfort for me was found in knowing that the staff who put this team together committed to seeking God as they chose. Now I have to choose to trust that God's plans for each of us are perfect and He will work through the decisions made... And I'm excited for the people I will be working alongside and doing life with next year.

It's going to be one heck of an adventure, that's for sure.

EXCEL Class of 2014
Tour Team 2015