I want to share a story with you of something God did in my life recently as I've been living as His girl in this crazy world!
8.30am on a Thursday morning. Myself and a few others were gathered in our school auditorium to pray for the day ahead. I go to prayer meeting most weeks but for some reason I was really excited that week. I was super expectant for what God was gonna do with that day. Over the time of prayer, there were three main points that came across -
1) That we would have our cups out, ready to receive whatever it was God had for us in this day.
2) That our faith would be taken to a whole new level.
3) That it would be a day that no one at Excel would ever forget.
2) That our faith would be taken to a whole new level.
3) That it would be a day that no one at Excel would ever forget.
Now... those are pretty big things to pray right!? And I'm being honest here, I wondered if these amazing things would really happen... but of course God is not limited by my expectations and He went above and beyond what I could ever imagine!
A cool dude by the name of Alex Hannah who is a vocal tutor at Excel came to Devotions to share with us. He talked about how he'd been witnessing miraculous healings over the past weeks. Then after he'd finished telling us a few stories he was like, "So you guys wanna encounter Jesus today? Cos that's what we're gonna do!" He called up people who had sore backs. Often, he told us, when people suffer from a sore back it's because they have one leg that is shorter than the other. So we got these 5 or 6 people to sit back in a chair and sure enough, most of them had uneven legs. Alex got some people to place their hands on those legs and then said to start praying. At first everyone's eyes were closed, but as Alex welcomed the Holy Spirit and asked for Jesus' power to make the legs grow, the people holding their legs started saying "Woaahhhh, oh my gosh, no way!" They could feel the shorter leg heat up and then slowly but surely with about 60 people gathered around watching, those legs just started growing until they met the length of the other one! Everyone was screaming and crying/laughing. It was crazy! It was impossible! But it was real!
There was a zillion other miracle healings that happened in this same day too. People's shoulders, spines, knees, arms. The list goes on. In this time it was like we were experiencing a slice of Heaven where there is no pain and a real joy for the goodness and grace of our God.
So now if you'll refer back to that list I wrote, notice that every thing that we prayed for that morning had been fulfilled. We received what God had, our faith was increased, and there is no way I can forget what I saw and felt that day. MIND BLOWING!
You might not even believe me reading this, but I'm not lying! There is so much power in Christ. He can do the unexplainable.
I totally want to see more of this happen. I have often struggled with the idea of praying for healing though. I wonder, "Do I have enough faith to do this. Will I say the right words? Can it truly be as simple as asking for an encounter with Jesus?" And what about when the person doesn't get better? Is that because I didn't believe enough or I don't have "the gift of healing"? It's something that intrigues me. Why does God heal some people and not others? Why do some people pray intense prayers and see no results and then others say the simplest words and see restoration? Does God sometimes want people to stay sick/unwell to teach them things? I don't know. I have so many questions on this topic... And I may never have the answers. But I pray that God will keep showing me how experiencing these things can become normal for us as His followers. Can we wake up to the Holy Spirit more and claim the power we have in Christ?! I hope so.